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Cojoba arborea var. angustifolia

Cojoba arborea var. angustifolia

Cojoba arborea var. angustifolia

マメ科コホバ属の常緑高木で、学名は Cojoba arborea var. angustifolia (syn. Pithecellobium angustifolium)。英名はありません。 
The Cojoba arborea var. angustifolia belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is native to Bolivia in South America. It grows in semi-tropical, semi-deciduous forests and savanna-rain forest ecotone in the Andes Mountains at elevations of 400 to 1400 m, reaching 30 m in height. The leaves are dark green, twice pinnate compound, and the leaflets, which have two to eight pairs, are oblong. The leaflets have 20 to 30 pairs of pinnae. From April to September, a long peduncle emerges from the leaf axils and bears a capitulum of dozens of small flowers with cream-colored stamens that are produced in a brush-like arrangement at the tips. When ripe, the capsule is twisted to reveal a shiny black spherical seed. In Japan, it is distributed under the name "Ever Fresh". 

Shu Suehiro