いちやくそう (一薬草) [Index] [Back]

Pyrola japonica

Pyrola japonica

Pyrola japonica

Pyrola japonica

Pyrola japonica

Pyrola japonica

イチヤクソウ科イチヤクソウ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Pyrola japonica。英名はありません。 
The "Ichiyaku-so" (Pyrola japonica) belongs to the family Pyrolaceae. It is an evergreen perennial herb that is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. This herb grows in open forests and it can reach about 20 cm in height. The leaves are ovate-elliptic to broad-elliptic, thick, fine serrated and basal. They are often tinged purplish on the abaxial sides. The 3-10 white flowers bloom on the flowering stalks from June to July. The fruits are depressed-globose capsules. It is used as a herbal medicine for diuretic. 

Shu Suehiro