いわおもだか (岩面高)

Pyrrosia hastata

Pyrrosia hastata

わが国の各地をはじめ、朝鮮半島や中国に分布しています。山地にある樹木の幹や岩のうえに着生します。根茎は這って、長い葉柄の先に鉾形の葉身がでています。ソーラス(胞子嚢群)は、葉の裏一面につきます。和名は、葉のかたちが湿地に生える「おもだか(面高)」に似ていることから。中国名では「戟葉石韋(ji ye shi wei)」。 
ウラボシ科ヒトツバ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Pyrrosia hastata。英名は Felt fern。 
The Felt fern (Pyrrosia hastata) belongs to the family Polypodiaceae. It is an evergreen perennial fern that is distributed throughout Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. It grows on tree trunks and rocks in mountainous areas. The rhizome is creeping, and the long petiole ends in a spear-shaped leaf blade. The sori are found all over the underside of the leaf. The Japanese name is derived from the leaf shape, which resembles that of the "Arrowhead" (Sagittaria trifolia) that grows in marshy areas. The Chinese name is "戟葉石韋" (ji ye shi wei). 

Shu Suehiro