べにさらさどうだん (紅更紗灯台)

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus

ツツジ科ドウダンツツジ属の落葉低木で、学名は Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus。英名はありません。 
"Beni-sarasa-doudan" (Enkianthus campanulatus var. rubicundus) belongs to Ericaceae (the Azalea family). It is a small deciduous tree that is native to Hokuriku district and southern Tohoku district of Honshu. It is a variety of "Sarasa-doudan". This tree grows in sunny mountains and it can reach about 2 m in height. The leaves are obovate, alternate and crowed at the terminal twigs in whorls. The drooping racemes are borne and bloom bell-shaped flowers from May to June. The corolla is deep pink and quintuple-lobate shallowly at the tips. 
[上・中1] 長野県諏訪市「少年自然の家・霧ヶ峰学園」にて、2007年05月24日撮影。(photo by Takao Itoh)
[中2〜5・下] 栃木県日光市「赤薙山」にて、2014年10月12日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro