
Bulbine alooides

Bulbine alooides

Bulbine alooides

ユリ科ブルビネ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Bulbine alooides。英名は Renosterveld bulbine。 
The Renosterveld bulbine (Bulbine alooides) belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is distributed in the Southern Cape region of South Africa. The bulbs are up to 45 cm in diameter and the corded leaves grow in bunches. It grows a flower stalk about 30 cm long and produces a raceme at the top of the stem, which produces small pale yellow flowers. The specific epithet is "alo-oides" because the leaves similar to "aloe". 
[上・中] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2006年11月29日撮影。
[下] 同上にて、2006年11月11日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro