はまひさかき (浜姫榊)

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

Eurya emarginata

ツバキ科ヒサカキ属の常緑低木で、学名は Eurya emarginata。英名はありません。
"Hama-hisakaki" (Eurya emarginata) belongs to Theaceae (the Tea family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed in Chiba prefecture and Aichi prefecture west to Shikoku, Kyushu of Japan, as well as the southern Korean Peninsula and China. This tree grows in the coastal areas of warm climate and can reach 1.5-5 m in height. The leaves are elongated obovoid, thick and alternate with hollow tips. This tree is dioecism and the small greenish white 5-petaled flowers come in axiles from October to February. The female flower is smaller than the male one. The fruits are round and ripen black. These trees are planted in parks and gardens.
[上・中1] 静岡県南伊豆町中木「奥石廊崎」にて、2007年02月16日撮影。
[中2・中3] 京都市左京区「京都府立植物園」にて、2006年02月17日撮影。
[中4・中5] 千葉県銚子市「桜井町公園」にて、2009年09月24日撮影。
[中6〜中8] 茨城県北茨城市「六角堂」にて、2015年04月12日撮影。
[中9〜10・下] 香川県丸亀市中津町「中津万象園」にて、2017年09月30日撮影。

Shu Suehiro