はなつるぼらん (花蔓穂蘭) [Index] [Back]

Asphodelus fistulosus

Asphodelus fistulosus

Asphodelus fistulosus

ユリ科ツルボラン属の多年草で、学名は Asphodelus fistulosus。英名は Onionweed。
The onionweed (Asphodelus fistulosus) belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is a perennial herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. Nowadays, it is naturalized in the United States, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and also part of Japan. This herb grows in roadsides or barrens, and can reach up to 70 cm in height. The leaves are linear and onion-like rounded hollow. The panicle is borne and the white to vary pink flowers bloom from April to May. The flowers are six tepaled and with a central longitudinal stripe of brown to reddish-purple. The flowers are diurnal, closing at night and in overcast weather conditions. The fruit is a rounded capsule containing six seeds.
[上] スペイン・バレンシア県プソルにて、2012年03月25日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[中] 同上にて、2011年03月27日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[下] 同上にて、2011年04月05日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)

Shu Suehiro