
Hibiscus lasiocarpos

Hibiscus lasiocarpos

Hibiscus lasiocarpos

Hibiscus lasiocarpos

Hibiscus lasiocarpos

アオイ科フヨウ属の落葉低木で、学名は Hibiscus lasiocarpos。英名は Rose mallow。 
The Rose mallow (Hibiscus lasiocarpos) belongs to Malvaceae (the Mallow family). It is a small deciduous tree that is distributed in the south-central United States and California. It grows on the shores of lakes and ponds and grows 1.2 to 2.4 m tall. From July to October, peduncles emerge from the upper leaf axils and produce white flowers about 15 cm in diameter. The base of the petals is burgundy. 

Shu Suehiro