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Carex grayi

Carex grayi

Carex grayi

Carex grayi

カヤツリグサ科スゲ属の多年草で、学名は Carex grayi。英名は Gray's sedge。 
The Gray's sedge (Carex grayi) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is native to eastern North America. This herb grows in floodplain, riverine and swamps, and can reach 60-90 cm in height. The leaves are basal and alternate, mostly near the base, smooth and hairless, or rough and sandpapery. The separate male and female spikes, with a single staminate spike 0.6-6 cm long at the tip of the stem. Below the male spike are 1 or 2 erect female spikes, round in outline, 2.5-3.8 cm in diameter, on stalks up to 3.5 cm long. 
[上・中1] アメリカ・オハイオ州「コックス樹木園および都市公園」にて、2022年05月19日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[中2・下] アメリカ・テキサス州「ダラス植物園」にて、2010年05月01日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro