
Clematis calycina cv. Hie

Clematis calycina cv. Hie

ヨーロッパ南部の地中海沿岸に分布しています。キルローサ種(Clematis cirrhosa)の変種です。蔓性で長さは3〜6メートルになり、他の樹木などに絡みついてよじ登ります。葉は3出複葉から2回3出複葉で、縁には粗い鋸歯があります。晩秋から早春にかけて、4個の花弁のような萼片をもつ花を咲かせます。萼片は黄白色で、赤紫褐色の斑点が入ります。写真は、園芸品種の「日枝(cv. Hie)、本種の枝変わり品種で、斑点が密に入り鮮やかです。 
キンポウゲ科センニンソウ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Clematis calycina(Clematis cirrhosa var. balearica)。英名は Fern-leaved clematis。 
The Fern-leaved clematis (Clematis calycina) belongs to Ranunculaceae (the Buttercup family). It is an evergreen shrub that is distributed along the Mediterranean coast of southern Europe. It is a variety of Clematis cirrhosa. It is a climbing vine, 3 to 6 m long, and climbs by twining itself around other trees and other plants. The leaves are trifoliate to 2 times triternate compound with coarse serrations on the edges. It produces flowers with four petal-like sepals from late fall to early spring. The sepals are yellowish-white with reddish-purple-brown spots. The photos show the garden variety "日枝" (Hie), a bud variation of this species, with densely spotted and bright. 

Shu Suehiro