なわしろぐみ (苗代茱萸)

Elaeagnus pungens

Elaeagnus pungens

Elaeagnus pungens

Elaeagnus pungens

Elaeagnus pungens

Elaeagnus pungens

Elaeagnus pungens

グミ科グミ属の常緑低木で、学名は Elaeagnus pungens。英名は Spotted elaeagnus、Thorny elaeagnus。 
The spotted elaeagnus (Elaeagnus pungens) belongs to Elaeagnaceae (the Oleaster family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed westward from Chubu district of Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and China. This tree grows in mountains and can reach 2-3 m in height. The twigs become deformed spines. The leaves are leathery oblong and alternate with undulate serrated edges. The pale white flowers appear on the axils in Octover. The sepals look like petals. The false fruits ripen red from April to May of the following year, just when the rice seedlings are cultivated. The timber is strong and used as helve of farm equipment or pothook. 
[上・中1] 千葉県銚子市「桜井町公園」にて、2009年09月24日撮影。
[中2] 大阪府交野市「大阪市大付属植物園」にて、2007年11月10日撮影。
[中3・中4] 同上にて、2004年10月11日撮影。
[中5・下] 茨城県常陸太田市「竜神峡」にて、2010年11月14日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro