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Leucogenes grandiceps

Leucogenes grandiceps

キク科レウコゲネス属の常緑多年草で、学名は Leucogenes grandiceps (syn. Gnaphalium grandiceps、Helichrysum grandiceps)。英名は South Island edelweiss。 
The South Island edelweiss (Leucogenes grandiceps) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is endemic to the South Island and the Stewart Islands of New Zealand. It grows in subalpine to alpine areas in rocky gravel, and is 5 to 10 cm tall. The stems are erect and form an overlapping rosette of obovate to cuneate leaves. Small yellow flower heads bloom at the top of the stem from November to February (summer). The flower heads are surrounded by white wooly hair bract leaves. 
イギリス・スコットランド・ウェスターロス「インヴェリュー庭園」にて、2023年08月06日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro