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Desmodium heterocarpon

Desmodium heterocarpon

Desmodium heterocarpon

Desmodium heterocarpon

マメ科ヌスビトハギ属の小低木で、学名は Desmodium heterocarpon。英名は Asian tick trefoil。 
The Asian tick trefoil (Desmodium heterocarpon) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from Shizuoka Prefecture of Honshu west to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. This herb grows in grasslands and forests, and up to a height of 30-150 cm. The leaves are trifoliate with elliptic to broard obovate leaflets. The purple or white, papilionacenous flowers bloom in the apical or axillary racemes from July to October. The fruits are loments with 5-8 quadrangular mericarps. 

Shu Suehiro