しだれカナダつが (枝垂れカナダ栂)

Tsuga canadensis var. pendula

Tsuga canadensis var. pendula

Tsuga canadensis var. pendula

Tsuga canadensis var. pendula

Tsuga canadensis var. pendula

カナダ東部とアパラチア地方が原産の「カナダつが(Tsuga canadensis)」の変種で、枝が枝垂れます。高さは、ふつうには120〜150センチくらいですが、自然な姿では3〜4.5メートルになります。樹皮は若木のうちは赤茶色ですが、老木になると焦茶色または灰色になり、割れ目がはいります。濃い緑色の葉は線形で、下面に2本の気孔のラインがあります。雄花は葉腋の穂状花序につき、雌花は枝の先端につきます。小さな球果は、2年目の秋に成熟します。 
マツ科ツガ属の常緑低木で、学名は Tsuga canadensis var. pendula。英名は Weeping hemlock。 
The Weeping hemlock (Tsuga canadensis var. pendula) belongs to Pinaceae (the Pine family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is a variety of "Canadian hemlock" native to eastern Canada and the Appalachian region, with weeping branches. The height is usually about 120 to 150 cm, but in its natural form it is 3 to 4.5 m. The bark of young trees is reddish brown, but when it becomes old, it turns dark brown or gray and has cracks. The dark green leaves are linear and have two stomata lines on the underside. Male flowers are attached to the spikes of the axils, and female flowers are attached to the tips of the branches. The small cones mature in the fall of the second year. 

Shu Suehiro