やまはぜ (山黄櫨)

Rhus sylvestris

Rhus sylvestris

Rhus sylvestris

Rhus sylvestris

ウルシ科ウルシ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Rhus sylvestris。英名はありません。 
"Yama-haze" (Rhus sylvestris) belongs to Anacardiaceae (the Sumacfamily). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is distributed westward from Tokai district of Honshu to Shokoku, Kyushu of Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula and China. This tree grows in hill forest edges and can reach 5-6 m in height. The leaves are odd-pinnate compound with 5-15 ovate leaflets. It resembles to the Wax tree (Rhus succedanea), though it is defined by the rough hairs on veins and rachis. The yellowish green, conservative flowers bloom from May to June. The fruits are flat and glabrous. 
[上・中1] 群馬県高崎市「高崎市染料植物園」にて、2010年05月16日撮影。
[中2・下] 愛知県名古屋市千種区「東山植物園」にて、2002年05月04日撮影。

Shu Suehiro