
私たちは、ウクライナ国民と完全に連帯しています。 ロシアがウクライナに対して行った軍事侵略を正当化するものは何もありません。そして21世紀のロシア帝国主義を必ず阻止しなければなりません。

We stand in full solidarity with the Ukrainian nation. Nothing can justify the military aggression that Russia has carried out against Ukraine. And we must surely prevent Russian imperialism in the 21st century.

「ああ、草原の赤きガマズミよ」 (Oh, The Red Viburnum In The Meadow)

その赤いガマズミを私たちは引き受け 育てよう
そして私たちは 栄光の祖国ウクライナは
さあ 立ち上がろう 勝利の喜びを
その赤いガマズミを私たちは引き受け 育てよう
そして私たちは 栄光の祖国ウクライナは
さあ 立ち上がろう 勝利の喜びを

(脚注: ここでの「ガマズミ」は、正式には「せいようかんぼく(西洋肝木)」のことです。)


ハマスを作ったのはイスラエル自身です。1993年のオスロ合意に基づき、 ヨルダン川西岸地区は、ガザ地区とともに「パレスチナ自治区」になりましたが、ヨルダン川西岸地区に多くの入植地を作って、違反したのがイスラエル。今回のガザ侵攻のきっかけとなったハマスのロケット弾攻撃も、もとはいえばイスラエルが招いたもの。ネタニヤフは、ハマスの殲滅を標榜していますが、その試みは、より多くのハマスを作ることに他なりません。一方的に軍事侵攻し、パレスチナ人を殺害するのは、ジェノサイドと言われても仕方ないでしょう。今は無条件での停戦しかありません。アメリカもイスラエル一辺倒を止め、地域の安定に傾注するべきです。パレスチナ人の独立・平和への強い願いを、ともに祈ります。

It was Israel itself that created Hamas. Based on the 1993 Oslo Accords, the West Bank, along with the Gaza Strip, became the "Palestinian Territory", but Israel violated this by establishing many settlements in the West Bank. The Hamas rocket attack that triggered the recent invasion of Gaza was also originally brought about by Israel. Netanyahu advocates the eradication of Hamas, but his attempt to do so is nothing more than to create more Hamas. Unilateral military invasion and killing Palestinians would be considered genocide. Right now, there is only an unconditional ceasefire. The U.S. should also stop its one-sided focus on Israel and concentrate on regional stability. We pray together with the Palestinian people for their strong desire for independence and peace.

あの東日本大震災と福島第一原発の事故から14年が過ぎました。その復興の目玉として2015年3月に全線開通し、以来わたしも何度も何度も行き来した常磐道。その放射線量のMAXは当初、双葉町と浪江町の境あたりで測定される5.6μSv/h でした。ちゃんと除染されているはずなのにこの値。これが最近だと、1.7μSv/h くらいまで下がっています。でも本当に下がったといえるのかどうか。いずれにせよ福島第一原発から北西にある、富岡・大熊から双葉、浪江、葛尾、南相馬それに飯館には「被爆の森(帰還困難区域)」がまだ広がり、このことは殆ど報道もされない。これを直視すれば、その原発を再稼働するなど、誰にもいえないはず。それと汚染水の海洋放出、これが安全というなら、その一部でも東京湾にも出せばいい。江戸前の風評被害が心配なのはわかるけど、福島沖はしらんぷりなのか。


14 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The Joban Expressway opened to traffic in March 2015 as the centerpiece of the reconstruction efforts, and I have traveled it many times since then. The maximum radiation level was initially 5.6 micro Sv/h measured around the border between Futaba and Namie towns. This value is despite the fact that the area is supposed to have been properly decontaminated. Recently, the level has dropped to about 1.7 μSv/h. But can we really say that the level has dropped ? However, I am not sure if it can be said that it has really gone down. In any case, the "A-bombed forest" (a zone that is difficult to return to) still extends from Tomioka and Okuma to Futaba, Namie, Katsurao, Minami-soma, and Iitate, northwest of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and this fact is hardly reported. In the face of this, no one should be able to say anything about restarting these nuclear power plants. And as for discharging contaminated water into the ocean, if it's safe to do so, then let some of it go out into Tokyo Bay as well. I understand that you are worried about the reputational damage caused by rumors about "Edomae fishes" (fishes caught in the sea near Tokyo), but you are not concerned about the area off the coast of Fukushima.

Even now, the evacuation orders are still in effect for an area of approximately 309 square km, which is about half the size of a ward in Tokyo. The government plans to establish a new specific return residence zone, where there is hope for return, to promote decontamination and infrastructure development, and to lift the evacuation order by 2029. However, no policy has been decided on what to do with the majority of the area that does not fall within this residential zone.

イギリスに、この10年くらい前から、この「ボタニックガーデン」に写真を寄稿してもらっている Yumi GJ さんという方がいらっしゃいます。その息子さんが、2013年に Fukushima のために曲を作り、その曲と映像、思いを言葉にした短い動画ができました。

There is a person in the UK named Yumi GJ who has been contributing photos to this "Botanic garden" for the past 10 years or so. Her son wrote a song for Fukushima in 2013, and a short video was created with the song, images, and thoughts in words.

福島・FUKUSHIMA by Miles GJ 



No war ! No nuclear weapons !

We lay it down that the use or threat of nuclear weapon shoud be outlawed. No more Hiroshimas and Nagasakis !



Say no to nuke plants !

Nuclear power has no place in a safe, clean, sustainable future. Nuclear power is both expensive and dangerous. Further it does come with the risk of a nuclear meltdown. We remember forever Chernobyl and Fukushima !


No Military Helipads in Yanbaru Forest ! No Helicopter Base in Henoko ! The absolutely necessary US military bases should be relocated to Japan mainland.



A Chinese reconnaissance balloon flies over Miyagi Prefecture. In response to this airspace incursion, the defense authorities of our country did not attempt to intercept it, but merely stood by and watched. Even if the defense budget is increased substantially, with this lack of crisis awareness, all is not well.


(2020.06.17: at Kawasaki Town)


Fixed-point observation of radiation (On Joban Expressway in Kami-Hatori, Futaba Town)


(2015.05.06: at Futaba Town)


(2016.03.21: at Futaba Town)


(2018.05.25: at Futaba Town)


(2019.12.23: at Futaba Town)


(2022.01.16: at Futaba Town)


(2024.05.11: at Futaba Town)


(2025.01.25: at Futaba Town)

2014年の12月上旬、福島県大熊町にある日隠山(ひがくれやま)にハイキング。登山道の放射線量は0.5~0.8μSv/hという情報を得ていたので、ほとんど気にはなりません。ちなみに常磐富岡ICのあたりでの実測値は、2.2~2.4 μSv/h(現在では、0.9μSv/h)。でもここは、福島第一原発から直線で9~12km のハイキングコースなので、一応登山口には立ち入り禁止の看板もありました。登山道は荒れ、倒木がいたるところに。この山は、これからも除染されることはなく、もっと荒廃が進むのでしょう。「もみ」や「こなら」、「ぶな」、「くぬぎ」の樹木が今もまだ生い茂っていますが、清らかな恵みの水を湛えていた山ではなくなっています。頂上近くの望洋台からは、何もなかったような佇まいの福島第一原発サイトが見えました。

In early December 2014, I hiked to Higakureyama in the town of Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture. I was informed that the radiation level on the trail was 0.5-0.8 μSv/h, so I was hardly concerned. Incidentally, the actual measured value around Joban-Tomioka IC is 2.2 to 2.4 μSv/h (now, 0.9 μSv/h). But since this is a hiking course 9 to 12 km straight from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, there was a no-entry sign at the trailhead, just in case. The trail was rough and fallen trees were everywhere. This mountain will never be decontaminated and will probably become more desolate in the future. Trees of "Japanese fir", "ko-nara", "beech", and "Sawthorn oak" still grow thickly, but this is no longer a mountain that was filled with pure, bountiful water. From the "Boyo-dai" near the summit, we could see the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant site as if nothing had ever happened there.


(揮毫: 金澤翔子)


Pray for the calm future.
Beyond the tsunami




 published by Pony Canyon



自然に呑み込まれる大熊町野上地区 (2016年06月27日)


大熊町・日隠山から見る福島第一原発 (2014年12月06日)

