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この小さな「ボタニックガーデン」は、ふだんの朝な夕なに、あるいはおもに東北地方から関東・中部・近畿地方あたりの山野や海岸、植物園などで、たまたま巡り会った草花と樹木の写真を集めた「デジタル植物園」です。カメラのファインダーでは見えなかったところも、あとで写真をゆっくり 眺めてみると新たな発見がいっぱいあります。


This small "Botanic Garden" is a "Digital Botanic Garden" of photos of flowers and trees that I happened to come across in the morning or evening, or in the mountains, seashores, and botanic gardens mainly in the Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, and Kinki regions of Japan. I found many new discoveries when I looked at the photos later, even though I could not see them through the camera's viewfinder.
I thought I had learned the names of many plants when I was a child, but when I dive into nature, I feel bewildered by how little I know. I wonder if as we get older, we will revert to nature like that Osamu Tezuka's "Phoenix". However, now that I have passed the age of 70, it is also natural for me to want to live a flexible life.

Please Note: Botanic Garden does not sell/broker plants or provide gardening advice.
植物の分類については、BGPlants 作成グループの「YList」に準じています。被子植物の分類は、クロンキストの体系(Cronquist: 1981年)です。英名(Common Name)についてはイギリスの 「Plants for a Future」、アメリカ農務省(USDA)の「Plants Database」を標準にしています。
  For the classification of plants, we follow the "YList" of the BGPlants creation group of Japan. The classification of angiosperms is Cronquist's system (Cronquist: 1981). English names are based on "Plants for a Future" of the United Kingdom and "Plants Database" of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

  I have tried to be as accurate as possible in identifying plant species names based on as much information as possible, but I still believe there are errors. I would appreciate it if you could point out any errors. However, since I do not have much time, corrections may be delayed.

このボタニックガーデンも、始めてからはや23年6か月。よく飽きもせずにといわれますが、水と食料を詰めたデイバッグを背負って、フィールドノートを片手に、それでも黙々と撮り続けています。かなり重くなるので、現在はキヤノンのEOS5DとEF24-105mm L IS USMのセット、交換レンズのEF70-300mm DO IS USMを連れてくだけ。HTML文書の作成には、エムエディタ (EmEditor Professional)を、画像のレタッチについては、ペイントショッププロ(PaintShop Pro 2023)を使用しています。ちなみにパソコンは、1983年のCASIO PB-700を皮切りに、1985年のNEC製へと続き、1999年からは塩尻市にあるエプソン(Epson)製を選択。現在は、12台目のEndeavor NJ4400E-2です。

  It has been 23 years and 6 month since I started this "Botanic Garden". It is often said that I never get tired of it, but I continue to take pictures silently with a day bag filled with water and food on my back and a field notebook in my hand. Since it is quite heavy, I now only take my Canon EOS5D, a set of EF24-105mm L IS USM, and an interchangeable lens, the EF70-300mm DO IS USM. For creating HTML documents, I use EmEditor Professional, and for image retouching, I use PaintShop Pro 2023. Incidentally, the choice of PCs started with a CASIO PB-700 in 1983, followed by an NEC in 1985, and then an Epson in Shiojiri City since 1999. Currently, this is my 12th Endeavor NJ4400E-2.


  This homepage is link free. All photos on this site are copyrighted. However, photographs taken by myself that do not clearly state the photographer may be used for educational or non-commercial purposes. If you wish to use them for other purposes, please contact me in advance.

Shu Suehiro