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Acanthocalycium rhodotrichum

Acanthocalycium rhodotrichum

サボテン科アカントカリキウム属の柱状サボテンで、学名は Acanthocalycium rhodotrichum (syn. Echinopsis minuana)。英名はありません。 
The Acanthocalycium rhodotrichum belongs to Cactaceae (the Cactus family). It is a treelike cuctus that is distributed in South America from Bolivia to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. It grows mainly in the subtropics and is 30-80 cm tall and about 12 cm in diameter. It has 8 to 18 ribs, one central spine and 4 to 8 marginal spines. In summer, it produces large white flowers on long scapes. 
イギリス・リッチモンド・アポン・テムズ「キューガーデン」にて、2018年06月22日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis) 

Shu Suehiro