
ムクロジ科アキー属の常緑小高木で、学名は Blighia sapida。英名は Ackee、Akee。
The Ackee (Blighia sapida) belongs to Sapindaceae (the Soapberry family). It is a semi-tall evergreen tree that is native to tropical West Africa. This tree is related to Lychee and Longan, and can reach about 10 m in height with a dense crown. Leaves are leathery, pinnate compound with 6-10 obovate to oblong leaflets. Fragrant greenish white flowers come during warm months. Fruits are pear-shaped and ripen bright red to yellow-orange, split open to reveal three seeds. It is only the fleshy arils around the seeds that are edible while the remainder of the fruit and seeds are poisonous. Ackee is used for food mainly in Jamaica where ackee and saltfish is the national dish.