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Adenanthos sericeus

Adenanthos sericeus

Adenanthos sericeus

Adenanthos sericeus

ヤマモガシ科アデナントス属の常緑低木で、学名は Adenanthos sericeus。英名は Woolly bush。 
The Wooly bush (Adenanthos sericeus) belongs to the family Proteaceae. It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed in the southwestern part of Western Australia. It grows on coastal headlands in subtropical biomes and grows 2 to 5 m tall. The trunk is erect and the branches are also erect, columnar to slightly spreading. The leaves are linear, about 40 mm long, silver-gray in color, soft, and cover the branches. It produces small red flowers in the leaf axils almost year-round. These almost inconspicuous flowers are a nectar source for small bees. The fruit is an elliptic drupe about 5 mm long. It is used as an ornamental plant and on Christmas trees. 

Shu Suehiro