アガウェ・パリイ (虚空蔵) [Index] [Back]

Agave parryi

Agave parryi

Agave parryi

リュウゼツラン科リュウゼツラン属の常緑多年草で、学名は Agave parryi。英名は Parry's agave。
Parry's agave (Agave parryi) belongs to the Agavaceae (the Agave family). It is an evergreen perennial agave that is distributed from Arizona, New Mexico south to central Mexico. This agave occurs in grassland and forests and can reach 15-75 cm in height. Leaves are light green to gray and form compact rosettes. Flowers are red and yellow, bloom in the panicle with a long stalk.
[上・中] 韓国・果川市莫渓洞(マッケドン)「ソウル大公園」にて、2007年01月26日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[下] アメリカ・ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキにて、2010年07月03日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro