
リュウゼツラン科リュウゼツラン属の常緑多年草で、学名は Agave tequilana。英名は Weber blue agave、Agave azul。
The Weber blue agave (Agave tequilana) belongs to Agavaceae (the Agave family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is native to Mexico to Central America. This herb has been cultivated in so many places. The leaves are succulent and form rosette, can reach up to 1.5 m in height. This is the agave that is used to make the best tequila. Tequila is a spirit made primarily in the area surrounding Tequila, a town in the north-western Mexico.
[上・中1〜2] 静岡県伊豆の国市「伊豆洋らんパーク」にて、2007年02月15日撮影。 [下] アメリカ・フロリダ州オーランド市「エプコット」にて、2012年09月23日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)