あきたぶき (秋田蕗)

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

  • Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus

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キク科フキ属の多年草で、学名は Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus。英名は Akita sweet coltsfoot。
The Akita sweet coltsfoot (Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed to Honshu, from Hokuriku district to Tohoku district, and Hokkaido in Japan, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. This herb grows on wettish places in mountains and fields, and the leaves grows to 1.5 m in diameter and the petioles grows to 2 m in length. The Akita sweet coltsfoot is used as food same as the Sweet coltsfoot. The butterbur sprout (young flower stalk) is borne in March to May, and the flower stalk grows up after flowering. It is dioecious and the only female plant will be bearing.
Incidentally, the Asian black bears are also fond of wild vegetables such as "thistle", "ezo-nyuu", "sweet coltsfoot", "miyama-irakusa (aiko)", and "uwabami-so (mizu)". Outside of the bamboo shoot season, they eat wild vegetables and succulent plants.
[上・中1〜5] 秋田県仙北市田沢湖にて、2017年07月21日撮影。
[中6・中7] 宮城県川崎町「みちのく湖畔公園」にて、2018年04月12日撮影。
[中8・中9] 青森県弘前市葛原にて、2018年07月15日撮影。
[中10〜中13] 宮城県川崎町支倉にて、2020年04月28日撮影。
[中14・中15] 同上にて、2021年03月08日撮影。
[中16・中17] 同上にて、2021年03月24日撮影。
[中18・中19] 岩手県八幡平市「八幡平」にて、2021年07月25日撮影。
[中20・下] 山形県鮎川町中渡にて、2023年07月03日撮影。

Shu Suehiro