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Aloysia wrightii

Aloysia wrightii

クマツヅラ科アロイシア属の半常緑小低木で、学名は Aloysia wrightii。英名は Wright's beebrush。 
The Wright's beebrush (Aloysia wrightii) belongs to Verbenaceae (the Verbena family). It is a semi-evergreen shrub that is distributed from the southwestern United States to northern Mexico. It grows in desert scrubland and canyons, and is 1.2 to 1.8 m tall. The stem is thin and branches frequently. The leaves are elliptic to circular in shape, with a crenate edge. The underside of the leaves is densely covered in felt-like hairs. From August to October, white flowers bloom in spike-like inflorescences at the top of the stem. The flowers are long and narrow, with four or five lobes at the tip. The fruit is a very small nut-like shape. 
アメリカ・テキサス州「ビッグベンド国立公園」にて、2012年11月02日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis) 

Shu Suehiro