
ウリ科アルソミトラ科の常緑蔓性木本で、学名は Alsomitra macrocarpa(syn. Zanonia macrocarpa)。英名は Climbing gourd。
The Climbing gourd (Alsomitra macrocarpa) belongs to Cucurbitaceae (the Gourd family). It is an evergreen climbimg vine that is native to the Sunda Islands of Indonesia. This vine grows in the tropical rain forests and climbs up other trees. Leaves are ovate, alternate and petiolate. Fruit is about 20 cm in diameter, packed with about 400 winged seeds. These winged seeds that resemble hang glider, are capable of gliding through the air of rain forests. Bohemian engineer, Igo Etrich and his son producted the Alsomitra type airplane which was designed on this winged seed, in early 20th century. This airplane was developed to the Taube type airplane which added with tail-wings.
[上] 東京都港区「国立科学博物館付属自然教育園」にて、2007年03月11日撮影。(photo by Hidefumi Suzuki) [中1・中2] 京都市左京区「京都府立植物園」にて、2006年02月17日撮影。 [下] 同上にて、2007年03月26日撮影。