ユリ科ナルコユリ科の多年草で、学名は Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum (syn. Polygonatum odoratum)。英名は Solomon's seal。
The Solomon's seal (Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum) belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is a perennial herb that is native throughout Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan and China. This herb grows in mountain and field grasslands, and can reach 30-60 cm in height. The stem is ridged, and the leaves are oblong to narrow oblong and arranged in alternate. The 1-2 white tubular flowers bloom descending at the axils from April to May. The young shoots and the columnar rootstocks are used as food. The top five and 12-13rd, 17th, 20-22nd photos show the horticultural variety 'Variegatum'. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "萎蕤" and in Chinese, "玉竹" (yu zhu).