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Blechnum occidentale

Blechnum occidentale

Blechnum occidentale

シシガシラ科ヒリュウシダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Blechnum occidentale (syn. Blechnum occidentale var. minor)。英名は Hammock fern。
The Hammock fern (Blechnum occidentale) belongs to the family Blechnaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed to the West Indies, Central America, and South America to Bolivia. This fern grows in rocky and clayey places, shady hammocks or open woods, and up to a height of 30-60 cm. It spreads by creeping rhizomes. The rhizomes are covered with reddish brown scales. The leaves are unipennate compound, lethery, with 12-28 pairs of pinnae. The new leaves growing spring are rose pink and then turn green. The sori are aligned to both sides of the midrib of pinna in succession.

Shu Suehiro