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Ammannia latifolia

Ammannia latifolia

Ammannia latifolia

ミソハギ科ヒメミソハギ属の一年草で、学名は Ammannia latifolia。英名は Pink redstem。 
The Pink redstem (Ammannia latifolia) belongs to the Lythraceae (the Loosestrife family). It is an annual herb that is distributed to the eastern and southeastern United States, Central America and the West Indies. This herb grows in wet locations along roadsides, disturbed sites, and up to a height of 20-40 cm. The stems are much branched and 4-angled in cross section. The leaves are long and slender, with smooth margins and pointed tips. The flowers are small, pink to red, and bloom in groups of 3 or 4, at the axils. 

Shu Suehiro