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ƒqƒ†‰Èƒqƒ†‘®‚̈ê”N‘‚ÅAŠw–¼‚Í Amaranthus viridisB‰p–¼‚Í Green amaranthACalaluB
The Green amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) belongs to Amaranthaceae (the Amaranth family). It is an annual herb that is native to tropical America. It was widespread rapidly in Showa Era (1926-1989) or later, and nowadays it can be easily found in Japan than Livid amaranth (Amaranthus lividus var. ascendens). The stem is green, erect and can reach about 1 m in height. The leaves are large ovate with long petioles. The tips of leaf blades are slightly concave. The long slender spikes are borne at the upper axils and the numerous flowers bloom from August to October. It is also known as "Honaga-inubiyu" in Japan. It is a C4 plant (Plants with C4-type photosynthesis).
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