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Sabia japonica

Sabia japonica

Sabia japonica

わが国の本州、中国地方以西から四国・九州、それに中国の東南部に分布しています。山野の林縁に生え、蔓性で他の樹木に巻き付いて伸びます。蔓は右巻き(Z巻き)です。枝はうねって曲がります。葉は卵状楕円形で、縁は全縁または波状の細かな鋸歯があります。3月から5月ごろ、葉が展開する前に、前年の葉腋に黄色い花を咲かせます。果実は球形の核果で、10月に青く熟します。和名は、若枝が緑色をしていることから。環境省のレッドリストでは、絶滅危惧IB類(EN)に分類されています。中国語では「清風藤(qing feng teng)」と呼ばれます。 
アワブキ科アオカズラ属落葉小低木で、学名は Sabia japonica。英名は Blue vine。 
The Blue vine (Sabia japonica) belongs to the family Sabiaceae. It is a deciduous shrub that is distributed from western Chugoku region of Honshu west to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as in the southeast of China. It grows along the edges of forests in the mountains and fields, and it is a vine that grows by coiling around other trees. The vine coils to the right-handed (Z-twist). The branches are wavy and bent. The leaves are ovate-elliptic in shape, with entire or wavy, finely serrated edges. From March to May, before the leaves have fully developed, yellow flowers bloom in the leaf axils of the previous year. The fruit is a spherical drupe that ripens blue in October. The Japanese name comes from the fact that the young branches are green. On the Ministry of the Environment's Red List, it is classified as Endangered (EN). In Chinese, it is called "清風藤" (qing feng teng). 

Shu Suehiro