ありどおし (蟻通し・虎刺) [Index] [Back]

Damnacanthus indicus

Damnacanthus indicus

Damnacanthus indicus

わが国の本州、関東地方以西から四国・九州、沖縄、それに台湾や東アジアに分布しています。山地のやや乾いた林下に生え、高さは30〜60センチになります。幹はまっすぐに伸び、側枝はよく二叉分枝しながら横に広がります。葉は卵形で革質、表面に光沢があり、対生します。葉腋に1対の細長い長さ1〜2センチの棘があります。葉が枝から水平に広がるのに対して、棘は垂直に伸びます。4月から5月ごろ、葉腋に筒状の白い4弁花を、ふつう2個ずつ咲かせます。果実は球形の液果で、冬に赤色に熟します。別名で、「一両(いちりょう)」とも呼ばれます。中国語では「虎刺(hu ci)」、台湾華語では「伏牛花」です。
アカネ科アリドオシ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Damnacanthus indicus (syn. Damnacanthus formosanus)。英名は Indian damnacanthus。 
The Indian damnacanthus (Damnacanthus indicus) belongs to Rubiaceae (the Madder family). It is an evergreen shrub that is distributed from the Kanto region of Honshu west to Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa in Japan, as well as in Taiwan and East Asia. It grows in dry forests in mountainous areas and is 30-60 cm tall. The trunk grows straight and the side branches spread horizontally with frequent bifurcations. The leaves are ovate and leathery, with a shiny surface. There is a pair of slender, 1-2 cm long spines in the leaf axils. It produces tubular, four-petaled white flowers, usually two each, in the leaf axils from April to May. The fruit is a spherical berry that ripens to red in winter. It is also known as "Ichiryo" in Japan. In Chinese, it is "虎刺" (hu ci), and in Taiwanese Chinese, it is "伏牛花".
Incidentally, "aridoshi" (Indian damnacanthus) is also used in ikebana as a lucky charm for the New Year, together with "manryo" (coralberry) and "senryo", a play on the words "senryo, manryo, aridoshi" (There's money, a thousand and one, all year round.). 

Shu Suehiro