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Pterostyrax corymbosus

Pterostyrax corymbosus

Pterostyrax corymbosus

Pterostyrax corymbosus

わが国の本州、近畿地方以西から四国・九州、それに中国の南東部に分布しています。山地の小川沿いの落葉樹林に生え、高さは5〜15メートルになります。樹皮は灰褐色を帯び、コルク質が発達して、縦に浅く裂けます。葉は、広楕円形または倒卵形で長さ8〜18センチ、縁には浅い鋸歯があります。5月から6月ごろ、枝先の垂れ下がった複総状花序に白色の花をいっぱい咲かせます。果実は倒卵形の核果です。和名は、皮を剥いだ「あさ(麻)」の茎、「おがら(麻殻)」に因みます。また中国語では「小葉白辛樹(xiao ye bai xin shu)」と呼ばれます。 
エゴノキ科アサガラ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Pterostyrax corymbosus。英名は Silver bell tree。 
The Silver bell tree (Pterostyrax corymbosus) belongs to the family Styracaceae. It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is distributed from Kinki region of Honshu westward to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan, and the southeastern part of China. It grows in deciduous forests along mountain streams, and can reach heights of 5 to 15 m. The bark is grayish brown and corky, and splits lengthwise into shallow fissures. The leaves are broadly elliptic or obovate, 8 to 18 cm long, and have shallow serrations along the edges. From May to June, it produces many white flowers in drooping compound racemes at the tips of the branches. The fruit is an obovate drupe. The Japanese name comes from the stem of the "asa" (hemp), "o-gara" after the bark has been removed. It is also called "小葉白辛樹" (xiao ye bai xin shu) in Chinese. 

Shu Suehiro