
ヒノキ科ネズミサシ属の常緑小高木で、学名は Juniperus ashei。英名は Ashe juniper, Blueberry juniper。
The Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei) belongs to Cupressaceae (the Cypress family). It is a semi-tall evergreen tree that is native to northeastern Mexico and the south-central United States. This tree grows up to 10 m tall, and provides erosion control and year-round shade for wildlife and livestock. The leaves are bright green, scale-like, 2-5 mm long, and produced on rounded shoots. It is a dioecious. The seed cones are round, 3-5 mm long, and soft, pulpy and berry-like, green at first, maturing purple about 8 months after pollination. They contain one or two seeds, which are dispersed when birds eat the cones and pass the seeds in their droppings.
アメリカ・テキサス州「パロデュロキャニオン州立公園」にて、2019年10月17日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)