
Aster himalaicus

Aster himalaicus

Aster himalaicus

ヒマラヤ山脈の東部、中国の雲南省北西部からネパール、ビルマ北部に分布しています。標高3500〜5000メートルの林内や草地に生え、高さは10〜40センチになります。根生葉は倒卵形で鋸歯があり、茎葉は卵形で茎に密着します。7月から9月ごろ、茎頂に、青紫色の舌状花のある頭花を咲かせます。中国語では「須弥紫菀(xu mi zi wan)」と呼ばれます。
キク科シオン属の多年草で、学名は Aster himalaicus。英名はありません。
The Aster himalaicus belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in the eastern Himalayas, from northwestern Yunnan Province in China to Nepal and northern Burma. It grows in forests and grasslands at elevations of 3500 to 5000 m and is It grows 10 to 40 cm tall. The root leaves are obovate and serrated, and the stem leaves are ovate and adherent to the stem. from July to September, it produces a flower-head at the top of the stem with blue-purple ray flowers. In Chinese, it is called "須弥紫菀" (xu mi zi wan).

Shu Suehiro