
マンサク科マンサク属の落葉小高木で、学名は Hamamelis japonica var. bitchuensis。英名は Atetsu witchhazel。
The Atetsu witchhazel (Hamamelis japonica var. bitchuensis) belongs to Hamamelidaceae (Witch hazel family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is native to Chugoku district of Honshu and Ehime Prefecture in Shikoku. This tree grows in montane slopes and can reach about 8 m in height. The leaves are lozenged-round with coarsely toothed edges. The both sides of leaves are covered with stellate hairs. The yellow four-petaled flowers bloom in February and March before foliation. The fruits are elliptic capsules and ripen in fall. The Japanese name is derived from the findspot; Atetsu-gun in Okayama Prefecture.