エキノドルス・アルゼンチネンシス [Index] [Back]

Echinodorus argentinensis

Echinodorus argentinensis

Echinodorus argentinensis

Echinodorus argentinensis

オモダカ科エキノドルス属の多年草で、学名は Echinodorus argentinensis。英名は Argentine sword、Ranged sword。
The Argentine sword (Echinodorus argentinensis) belongs to Alismataceae (the Water-plantain family). It is perennial herb that is distributed to southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. This herb grows in sticky mud along rivers and can reach 90-150 cm in height. The leaves are ovate and long-petioled. The submersed leaves are oval or ovate with short petioles. The 6-12 each, white flowers bloom in whorls on the stems.

Shu Suehiro