
ムラサキ科シャゼンムラサキ属の二年草または三年草で、学名は Echium pininana。英名は Tree echium。
The Tree echium (Echium pininana) belongs to Boraginaceae (the Borage family). It is a biennial or a triennial herb that is endemic to the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. It grows in evergreen forests and reaches a height of about 2.5 m. The leaves are lanceolate and covered with silvery hairs. In the second or third year after germination, it produces conical inflorescences up to 4 m high, with dense leaves and small blue flowers. The flowers are funnel-shaped and bloom from the bottom of the inflorescence. After flowering, the plant dies when seeds are produced. It is cultivated for ornamental purposes in gardens. The photos show the white-flowered garden variety 'Alba' or 'Snow Tower'.
イギリス・スコットランド・ウェスターロス「インヴェリュー庭園」にて、2023年08月06日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)