えんこうすぎ (猿猴杉)

Cryptomeria japonica cv. Araucarioides

Cryptomeria japonica cv. Araucarioides

Cryptomeria japonica cv. Araucarioides

スギ科スギ属の常緑低木で、学名は Cryptomeria japonica cv. Araucarioides。英名はありません。 
The "Enko-sugi" (Cryptomeria japonica cv. Araucarioides) belongs to Taxodiaceae (the Bald cypress family). It is a small evergreen tree that is a garden variety of "Sugi" (Japanese cedar) which is native to Japan. It prefers moist, fertile, semi-shady sites and grows 1 to 4 m tall. The long needle leaves grow in whorled, and the thin branches droop down like a string. Its Japanese name comes from its long branches, which look like a "gibbon" holding out its hand. It is used as a material for ikebana. 

Shu Suehiro