
Episcia fimbriata cv. Blue Heaven

Episcia fimbriata cv. Blue Heaven

ブラジルが原産です。林床や岩上に地生し、匍匐枝を伸ばして広がります。葉は卵形で柔らかく、ベルベットのような毛に被われます。夏から秋にかけて、淡青色の花を咲かせます。花冠は浅く5裂し、さらに細かくフリルが入ります。写真は園芸品種の「ブルーヘブン(cv. Blue Heaven)」。 
イワタバコ科エピスシア属の常緑多年草で、学名は Episcia fimbriata。英名は Lace flower。 
The Lace flower (Episcia fimbriata) belongs to Gesneriaceae (the African violet family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is native to Brazil. It grows underground on the forest floor or on rocks, spreading by creeping branches. The leaves are ovate, soft, and covered with velvety hairs. Pale blue flowers bloom from summer to fall. The corolla has five shallow lobes and is finely ruffled. The photos show the cultivar 'Blue Heaven'. 

Shu Suehiro