タデ科エリオゴヌム属の多年草で、学名は Eriogonum caespitosum。英名は Matted buckwheat。
Matted buckwheat (Eriogonum caespitosum) belongs to Polygonaceae (the Knotweed family). It is a perennial herb that is native to the western United States; from California to Montana. This herb grows in sandy or rocky soils at high elevations, and it can reach about 10 cm in height. The stem is much-branched to mats 45 cm in diameter with woody base. The leaves are oblong to ovate, and covered with white hair on both sides. The flowers are yellow, fading to red and bloom in early summer.
[上・中1〜4] アメリカ・オレゴン州ブキャナンにて、2013年06月11日撮影。 [中5〜8・下] 同上にて、2013年06月13日撮影。