
ツツジ科ツツジ属の落葉低木で、学名は Rhododendron dauricum。英名はありません。
"Ezo-murasaki-tsutsuji" (Rhododendron dauricum) belongs to Ericaceae (the Azalea family). It is a small deciduous tree that is native to Hokkaido of Japan, as well as the northern Korean Peninsula, northeastern China and East Siberia. This tree grows in montane scrags and can reach 1-3 m in height. The leaves are glossy and crowd on the terminal branches. The pale magenta flowers bloom on the axils from April to May.
[上・中1] 長野県軽井沢町「軽井沢町植物園」にて、2009年04月25日撮影。 [中2・下] 神戸市灘区六甲山町「六甲高山植物園」にて、2005年04月19日撮影。