
わが国の北海道に分布しています。本州以南に見られる「のこんぎく (Aster microcephalus var. ovatus)」の北方型です。山野や道ばたなどに生え、高さは60〜120センチほどになります。葉は長楕円形から卵形で互生し、縁にはわずかに鋸歯があります。葉の両面には短毛があり、葉の中部から下が急に細くなります。8月から10月ごろ、分枝した枝先に直径25ミリほどの薄紫色の頭花を咲かせます。舌状花は20個以下です。
キク科シオン属の多年草で、学名は Aster microcephalus var. yezoensis (syn. Aster ovatus var. yezoensis)。英名はありません。
The "Ezo-nokongiku" (Aster microcephalus var. yezoensis) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed to Hokkaido of Japan. It is the northern type of Wild chrysanthemum (Aster microcephalus var. ovatus) seen in the south of Honshu. This herb grows in mountains and roadsides, and up to a height of 60-120 cm. The leaves are oblong to ovate, alternate and slightly serrated. The leaves are covered with short hairs on both sides, and will suddenly become thinner from the middle part to the lower part. The pale purple flower heads of about 25 mm in diameter will bloom at branched branches from August to October. There are no more than 20 ray flowers.