ユズリハ科ユズリハ属の常緑低木で、学名は Daphniphylum macropodum var. humile。英名はありません。
The "Ezo-yuzuriha" (Daphniphylum macropodum var. humile) belongs to the family Daphniphyllaceae. It is an endemic species and a small evergreen tree that is distributed northward from the Japan Sea Side of Chubu district of Honshu to Hokkaido. Many this trees grow on the forest floor of many snowy grounds, they fall down at the base and slant upward, and grows up to a height of 1-3 m. The leaves are oblong to oblanceolate, alternate, and young branches and petioles take on a red color. The flowers without petals and sepals bloom on the axilary racemes of new branches from May to June. They are conspicuous with purple brown stigma and anthers.