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Tulipa cv. Flash Point

Tulipa cv. Strong Gold

Tulipa cv. White Marvel

Tulipa cv. Negrita

Tulipa cv. Cartago

Tulipa cv.

Tulipa cv.

Tulipa cv.

Tulipa cv.

写真上の品種は「フラッシュポイント(Flash Point / DE)」、
中1は「ストロングゴールド(Strong Gold / T)」、
中2は「ホワイトマーベル(White Maevel / T)」、
中3は「ネグリタ(Negrita / T)」、
中4は「カルタゴ(Cartago / T)」。
ユリ科チューリップ属の多年草で、学名は Tulipa gesneriana。英名は Ice tulip。 
The Ice tulips can be enjoyed indoors in winter and early spring. The bulbs need a certain period of cold weather to flower, and this is a way to take advantage of this property to make them bloom a little earlier. However, most of the varieties that can be grown in this accelerated manner are single-flowering Triumphs and Lily-flowered. It seems to be more difficult to cultivate the Parrot-flowered and Double-flowered varieties.
Tulip bulbs are refrigerated at around 5°C for about 8 weeks in a dry state, and then removed from the refrigerator and planted in pots filled with soil. They are left outside for four weeks to root while adjusting to the naturally low temperatures. After that, they are placed indoors to bloom, which takes about one month as long as the temperature is maintained at about 15°C. Normally, the flowering period is one to two weeks, but because of the low temperatures in winter, the flowers are long lasting and will continue to bloom for about one month. 
[上・中1〜4] 宮城県川崎町支倉「国営みちのく湖畔公園」にて、2021年02月07日撮影。
[中5〜7・下] 同上にて、2024年02月03日撮影。

Shu Suehiro