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Xanthium italicum

Xanthium italicum

Xanthium italicum

Xanthium italicum

キク科オナモミ属の一年草で、学名は Xanthium italicum。英名は Beach cocklebur、Hunterbur。
The Beach cocklebur (Xanthium italicum) belongs to Asteraeae (the Aster family). It is an annual herb that is believed to be native to South and North America. It is now sporadically naturalized in various parts of Japan. This grass grows in sunny roadsides, riverbanks, and wastelands near the coast, and is 50-100 cm in height. The stem is well-branched, rough, light green with blackish purple spots. The leaves are alternate, broad-ovate, usually three-lobed, and have long petioles. The head flowers come in July to October. This burs are large and have two beaks on its top.

Shu Suehiro