いぬえんじゅ (犬槐) [Index] [Back]

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri

マメ科イヌエンジュ属の落葉高木で、学名は Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri。英名はありません。
"Inu-enju" (Maackia amurensis ssp. buergeri) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a tall deciduous tree that is endemic to Japan, and distributed northward from Chubu-district of Honsho to Hokkaido. This tree grows in forest edges or stream banks, and can reach about 15 m in height. The barks are grayish-brown and furrowed longitudially. The leaves are impari-pinnate with 7-13, ovate leaflets. The 3-7 racemes are borne on the terminal branches, and the pale yellowish-white, papilionacenous flowers bloom from July to August. The fruits are broad-linear seed pods, 4-9 cm long.
[上・中1〜3] 千葉県東庄町新宿「利根川」にて、2011年08月15日撮影。
[中4〜8・下] 岩手県八幡平市「アスピーテライン」にて、2021年07月25日撮影。

Shu Suehiro