いらくさ (刺草)

Urtica thunbergiana

Urtica thunbergiana

Urtica thunbergiana

Urtica thunbergiana

Urtica thunbergiana

Urtica thunbergiana

イラクサ科イラクサ属の多年草で、学名は Urtica thunbergiana。英名はありません。 
The "Ira-kusa" (Urtica thunbergiana) belongs to Urticaceae (the Nettle family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed westward from Kanto district of Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu of Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula. This herb grows in montane forests or forest edges, and can reach 40-100 cm in height. The stem is quadrangular and bears needle-like stinging hairs sparsely. The leaves are ovate, opposite with large toothed edges and cuneatic tips. They have scattering short hairs and stinging hairs on the surfaces. The female clusters are borne on the upper stems and the male clusters at the middle stems from September to October. This herb excretes histamine from the stinging hairs, you may feel a burning pain if you touch them accidentally. 
[上・中1〜2] 千葉県香取市府馬にて、2010年02月23日撮影。
[中3〜4・下] 群馬県上野村楢原「ぶどう岳」にて、2005年07月10日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro