
キキョウ科イソトマ属の多年草で、学名は Isotoma axillaris (syn. Laurentia axillaris)。英名は Rock isotoma。
The Rock isotoma (Isotoma axillaris) belongs to Campanulaceae (the Bellflower family). It is a perennial herb that is native to eastern Australia; Queensland south to New South Wales and Victoria. This herb grows on rocky outcrops and can reach about 30 cm in height. The leaves are light green and divided into lobes. The blue, star-like flowers come in summer to fall. This herb may die back in winter but will grow back in spring. The stems exude white sap that may cause irritation to sensitive skin.
[上・中1] 岐阜県可児市「花フェスタ記念公園」にて、2007年06月08日撮影。 [中2・中3] 大阪府河内長野市「花の文化園」にて、2007年06月29日撮影。 [中4・下] 北海道中富良野町「ファーム富田」にて、2020年09月20日撮影。