いとしゃじん (糸沙参)

Campanula rotundifolia

Campanula rotundifolia

Campanula rotundifolia

Campanula rotundifolia

キキョウ科ホタルブクロ属の多年草で、学名は Campanula rotundifolia。英名は Harebell、Bluebells of Scotland。
The Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) belongs to Campanulaceae (the Bellflower family). It is a perennial herb that is widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. It grows from lowland meadows to subalpine ridges in well-drained areas. It grows 10 to 40 cm tall and has linear leaves. When the stem or other parts of the plant are injured, they emit a milky white juice. Pale blue flowers bloom from spring to fall.
[上・中1・下] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2006年10月06日撮影。
[中2] アイルランド・コノハト地方「イニシュモア(Inis Mor)島」にて、2005年07月07日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro