いわよもぎ (岩蓬)

Artemisia iwayomogi

Artemisia iwayomogi

Artemisia iwayomogi

わが国の北海道や朝鮮半島、中国それにシベリア南部に分布しています。海岸から山地の岩礫地に生え、高さは50〜100センチになります。茎の基部は木質化し、よく分枝します。葉は羽状に深裂し、とくに茎の中部の葉では2回羽状複葉となります。9月から10月ごろ、茎頂や上部の葉腋から花序をだし、目立たない花を咲かせます。近年、林道などの法面緑化で、本州への帰化も始まってしまっています。中国語では「白蓮蒿 bai lian hao 」と呼ばれます。
キク科ヨモギ属の多年草で、学名は Artemisia iwayomogi(syn. Artemisia gmelini)。英名は Russian wormwood、Shrub wormwood。 
The Russian wormwood (Artemisia iwayomogi) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed to Hokkaido in Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and southern Siberia. It grows in rocky and gravelly areas from the coast to mountains, and grows 50 to 100 cm tall. The base of the stem is woody and well branched. The leaves are deeply pinnately lobed, especially the middle leaf on the stem, which is twice pinnately compound. From September to October, inconspicuous flowers bloom in inflorescences from the leaf axils at the top of the stem or in the upper part of the leaf. In recent years, it has begun to naturalize in Honshu due to the afforestation of forest roads and other slopes. In Chinese, it is called "白蓮蒿" (bai lian hao). 

Shu Suehiro